Big Lit Quiz for Grown-Ups
Modelled on the Kids’ Lit Quiz in which children around the world compete for first place as experts in children’s books, Book Links hosted its own quiz, the Big Lit Quiz (for Grown-Ups) it was an opportunity for organisations that contribute to children’s literature in and around Brisbane to celebrate the end of a fabulous literary year.
Members from the Children’s Book Council Australia (Queensland), Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (Queensland), The May Gibbs Children’s Literature Trust, Write Links and Book Links came together to compete and were kept in control by author and quiz master extra-extraordinaire Brian Falkner.
Money raised went to the Australian Children’s Laureate Program.
After a delicious lunch buffet, the teams divided into groups of four and completed six rounds of questions. The winners of each round got to choose a book donated by wonderful Book Links members such as Dimity Powell and competed for various sweet during extra trivia questions rounds.
It was an afternoon to indulge, connect with old friends, make new ones and determine the real experts of all things kid lit!
A big thank you goes to Book Links’ Jenny Stubbs, who organised this events, the questions, AND lunch and dessert.