The CBCA Outback Qld Road Trip
A diverse group of five Queensland-based authors visited twelve schools, including the school of the air, plus two kindergartens, two home school groups, and the public library in Mount Isa. The schools and early childhood centres were in Mt Isa, Camooweal and Cloncurry.
Kate Foster, Dee White, Charlotte Barkla, Zewlan Moor and Gregg Dreise engaged with students and teaching staff in the area as part of the CBCA QLD 70th Birthday Celebration, in partnership with Author Pen Pals and Book Links. An evening PD session supported by ASLA was held for local teachers. Most of the trip was funded by CBCA Qld branch with additional funds from Book Links and an RADF grant from the Mt Isa City Council.
The tour reached over 2300 children and 20 teachers in the PD session.
The authors reflected on their top three outcomes which were as follows:
Meeting and encouraging students across all age groups who’d never met an author before and seeing after the sessions how animated they were and inspired to tell their own stories.
Working with teachers in regional and remote areas at a range of school types who were enthusiastic about our visit, introducing staff to new ways of teaching writing and storytelling, and encouraging a love for literature and literacy through promoting the work of the CBCA.
Presenting with other authors and being introduced to new techniques for engaging students with books and writing, while learning how to be more adaptable in school visits based on limited resources available.
Photos below from Good Shepherd Catholic College, St Kieran’s Catholic School and Spinifex State College.