Welcome to 2022
Book Links News Alert
Welcome to 2022 all new members, renewing members and some past members. We have kept past members on the mailing list so they don’t miss out on the latest news, but we would love you to renew your membership. The funds help us to pay our rent in the QWC and pay for insurance as well as supporting all our voluntary work.
It pays to be a member!
You will know if your membership for 2022 has been paid if you received an email from our membership secretary giving you the special code for 2022 which allows discounts for many events throughout the year. If you wish to join Book Links to receive the code before booking into the first workshop, then join now! Personal membership is only $20 for a whole year of discounted events. Family membership $30. School and public library fees vary.
For those of you who joined by 1 January and wonder who won the $50 gift voucher, the WINNER was Louise Brooks. Louise (on right) chose to collect her prize from Books@Stones and has already been shopping. Here she is pictured with Karen from Books@Stones along with the wonderful books she purchased.
Don’t forget that many local bookshops give a discount to Book Links members. Just show them a copy of your current membership card that was emailed to you. It lists all participating bookshops on it.
Happy New Year regardless – We will roll with what comes our way.
We had great plans for hybrid meetings in 2022 with both face-to-face and online options being offered. However we now feel that for the first meeting of the year we need to keep it totally online – just to be on the safe side.
While Book Links enjoys the patronage of the State Library of Queensland (SLQ), once we return to using their venues, we are bound by their COVID-19 policies and entry requirements. These include that everyone aged 16+ must be fully vaccinated (or medically exempt), be able to provide evidence of vaccination, and that face masks be worn in all indoor settings from Sunday 2 January 2022. For more SLQ Covid-19 details visit their website.
Saturday 5 February we will be holding our first meetings online.
The Book Links meeting will be held from 10am – 11.30am. Anyone is welcome to join in and share your thoughts as we do a bit of business and planning. If you wish to join us, please ask for a ZOOM link. Email the secretary
The Write Links meeting will begin with a special workshop with Peter Carnavas 12.30pm – 2.00pm.
The In-between of Writing – the difficult yet fulfilling art of writing children’s novels
To write well, we must spend a lot of time not writing. Sure, there are times when a paragraph springs from our tired brains and appears on the screen, but most of the time we are thinking, rethinking, deleting, replacing, wondering, scrapping, rewording, rearranging and then starting all over again. The in-between of writing is where all the good stuff happens. In this workshop, award-winning author Peter Carnavas will step through big-picture concepts like plotting and character motivation, then focus on the small but powerful writing decisions that occur in the in-between: word choice, rhythm, verbs, seamless dialogue and sentences that sing. We will gain a better grasp on the tricks and techniques that make great children’s writing and lead to beautiful stories that will endure.
Booking information
This first workshop of the year will be FREE for our Book Links members. To make a free booking you need to have the discount code that was emailed to you – Search for subject: ”2022 Membership Renewal and Code” when you joined for 2022.
This code is applied at the end of registration at the point of payment.
For the general public the cost is $15:00. If you wish to join Book Links to receive the code before booking into the workshop, then join now! Personal membership is only $20 and this special code can be used for other events held during the year.
Find out more and book in.
Write Links with Peter Carnavas – ZOOM session book here
The networking and critiquing groups will follow on after Peter’s session also via ZOOM. If you are not attending the workshop but wish to login at 2:00pm, please email Yvonne Mes for a ZOOM link.