The 2024 registration desk opens at 8am outside The Edge, State Library of Qld on Saturday and outside each venue on the Sunday. Tickets include morning tea and lunch.
State Library Venues Map
Location of State Library of Qld Map
Parking at State Library of QLD information
Public Transport
Public Transport information
Most of our presenters are staying at West End Central Apartments, 220 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. If you wish to book, please email or call directly 1800 628 300.
Pitch Before you Send Your Manuscript for an Editor or Agent Appointment
Book Links StoryArts Brisbane has an optional process that differs from other conference editor appoints.
Before you submit your manuscripts for feedback, we are giving you the option to query first. This option to query before you submit will mean your chosen editor or agent can choose which manuscript(s) they are most interested in reviewing for your feedback appointment. This is an optional process. You will not be disadvantaged in any way if you don’t take part in this additional step. If you have a manuscript in mind for your booked appointment, you can skip this step and send your documents to as per the ‘Submission’ instructions further below.
Query First Process.
If you have more than one completed manuscript, or more than two picture books, you have the option to let your agent or editor choose which manuscript(s) they would like to give feedback on.
Once you make a booking, a google form will be sent for you to fill in. To send your query first pitches, please fill out the google form as directed and press ‘Submit’. If you don’t wish to submit queries first, please indicate this on the form as well and press ‘Submit’. This will send a notification back to the StoryArts team of your intentions.
You can submit query pitches for up to five different manuscripts and/or picture books. These are in the style of a twitter pitch. The choices you provide your editor or agent can be in the same or multiple genres.
For example, you may wish to put forward one chapter book and two picture books, or, you have a middle grade and a YA. The editor or agent can then either select your chapter book or your two picture books. Likewise, they can choose between your middle grade and YA. We strongly suggest that your query pitches are from completed manuscripts.
Once the editor or agent receives your queries, they will choose which one or ones are of most interest. They will let us know. We will then email you to let you know which manuscripts to submit for your appointment. You will then need to send your manuscript(s), query letter, and synopsis (if applicable) to
For picture book – please send two complete manuscripts.
For a chapter book, middle grade or YA novel – please send title page, synopsis, followed by the first two chapters of your manuscript. If you have a prologue, please send the prologue and first chapter only.
All submissions documents should be uploaded as Microsoft Word document attachments.
Please place a query letter into the body of the email with a subject of your editor or agent name followed by your name. Send your query email and submission documents to:
Your submission should comply with the following formatting standard:
- 12 point font in Times New Roman or Arial, left margin aligned, double spaced
- Manuscript name, author name and page number in the header of each page
- A 1-inch or 1.25-inch margin on each page. This is the default for Microsoft word.
- A picture book manuscript should include legal name, contact information and the author or illustrator’s personal website address if applicable on the top of the first page justified left. An accurate word count should appear at the top right of the first page. Leave a few lines and include your full picture book manuscript.
- Chapter books, middle grade and YA manuscript samples should include a title page with book title, approximate word count, author name centred in the middle of the page. The address and contact information should be in the top left hand corner single spaced. A synopsis should be on the next page single spaced and no more than one page. The first two chapters or prologue and first chapter should be included next.
- Illustrations should be sent in a separate attached file – please do not send originals.
Please label your submission file <editor or agent name> _ < your name>.doc e.g.MarisaPintado_MelvinMarshall.doc
Please send your submission documents to: Only Microsoft Word documents please or pdf.
Please place your query letter in the body of the email with a subject of: editor or agent name followed by your name. e.g. subject: Marisa Pintado – Melvin Marshall
Please send your submission documents to by attaching them via email. Only Microsoft Word documents please or pdf. Please place your query letter in the body of the email with a subject of: editor or agent name followed by your name.
First Pages Live
For those booked into the Saturday program, you will have an opportunity to have the first page of a manuscript read to a panel of onsite editors and agents: Cathy Vallance (UQP), Meg Whelan (Affirm Press), Marisa Pintado (Hardie Grant), James Layton (Larrikin House), Annabel Barker (Agent)
The ‘first page’ pitches will be read aloud by a narrator to a panel of publishers and an agent. The editors and agent will have a list of titles and provide comment at the end of each ‘first page’ reading. The audience watches on. This is a blind reading, and the audience will not know the identity of the author. Authors will need to submit their manuscripts in advance as per the instructions below. The session will also provide other attendees with a chance to learn what attracts the attention of agents and publishers when seeking new books for children’s lists.
If you’re wishing to submit a first page, please make sure you send the first 250 words of your manuscript, or the first 100 words for a picture book manuscript by 10th October 2024 to:
Please note: only one submission is permitted per person.
Your submission should comply with the following:
- Manuscript title and author name in the header of the page
- First page of your manuscript – includes word count of your completed manuscript, category (i.e. Picture book, Junior Fiction, Middle Grade or Young Adult) and genre (i.e. historical, fantasy, mystery, non-fiction, biography, rhyming, concept book, etc)
- No more than 250 words or 100 words for a picture book text
- 12-point font in Times New Roman or Arial fonts
- Left margin alignment
- Double space
- A 1-inch or 1.25-inch margin on each page. This is the default for Microsoft word.
- Only one submission, please
Note: ‘First page’ submissions will be read in order of receipt. All entries may or may not be read according to time constraints.
Live 3 Minute Pitches
For those booked into the Sunday program, you will have an opportunity to pitch your work to onsite editors and agent: Cathy Vallance (UQP), Meg Whelan (Affirm Press), Marisa Pintado (Hardie Grant), James Layton (Larrikin House), Annabel Barker (Agent)
Here’s how it will work: Agents and editors will sit behind tables in the pitching room. Authors and illustrators pick someone they want to pitch to and queue up. There will be a separate pitching line for each editor/agent. When the bell sounds, you will have 3 minutes to pitch and discuss your work. There is no prereading, and this is a verbal pitch. When the bell sounds again, your time has finished, and the next person will come forward from the queue. If you wish to pitch again to the same editor/agent you must go to the back of the queue. Alternatively, they can go to the back of the line of another editor/agent.
Illustration Portfolios
This option is only for people attending the Saturday program of BSAB.
Saturday 19 October at the registration desk between 8.30am – 9.00am
When and where to collect your portfolio:
Saturday 19 October from the The Edge between 3.40 – 4pm
Portfolio requirements:
- One portfolio per attendee
- Maximum A3 size
- 10 – 15 images
- Prints only, no original work
- Include your name and contact information in or on your portfolio
- Bring your standard size business cards and promotional post cards
- You may choose to bring one or two dummy books
- Dummies must be attached to your portfolios with string or ribbon.
Note: Portfolios that do not follow these requirements may not be shown
Digital Portfolios:
As well as the physical portfolio there will be a display of digital images on the screen in the Edge Auditorium during break times. If you would like to be part of the Illustration showcase, complete the following form by 12 October. BSAB Illustration Showcase 2024 (
The Library Shop
The Library Shop will be selling books by guest presenters in their bookshop next to the Library Cafe. They will also stock selected titles by some of the authors/illustrators attending the conference. Information about books is collected at the point of registering via TryBooking.
Important Dates for BSAB 19-20 October 2024
- 20 August (if participating) – Queries for pitching to editors on what manuscript they would like you to submit.
- 4 September – Final date for submission of manuscript documents for editor appointments.
- 10 October – Submit First Page for live pitching.
- 20 October – Bring live 3 minute pitches to the conference. No need to submit this to BSAB staff.
Please send all documents to
This program is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.